Chapter 51

“Being kind is kind, everybody should be equal, and love is love, like me and you, Milo and Tom Alan, and…you and Tom Alan.”


“I could see us all working something out.” His tone was lascivious. “Coming together.”


“You know.” He pinched the sensitive tip, which made Erika inhale sharply and picture the word with a u. “We talked about it, remember? Back before you and Tom Alan got married.”

“Not like…”

“Not like what?” Billy put his mouth to Erika’s ear. “They can’t hear us, can they?”

“No.” The warmth and moisture of his breath there caused warmth and moisture somewhere else. “I assume they would have said if they could. I sing pretty loud in here sometimes. Why?”

“‘Cause I was just going to ask if you think this bed is big enough for four.”

She smacked him.