“Ten-minute delay,” she said. “The God of love was on your side. How was it?” she asked with a smirk.
“Bloody wonderful…except barely long enough,” Milo said.
“I had to turn up my music twice.” Billy touched the ear buds dangling around his neck. “No wonder you could hear them through the vent.”
“Some of that was for you, Hockey Puck.”
“It was not,” Tom Alan said.
“They started on the way, Rika…all three of us in a row.”
“How hard was it not to reach over?” she teased.
“Like…half hard,” Billy said.
The buzzer sounded then, and 30 Seconds to Departurebegan to flash. “The train’s ready to go.” Suddenly, everyone’s mood became more somber. “Where did the summer go?” Tom Alan asked.
“It’s only a few nights,” Milo said.
“And then a few more, and a few more after that.”