* * * *
We landed the quad twice!” she told Billy at bedtime. “It’s as if Tom Alan was suddenly his old self.”
“Which is why he’s spending the night again?”
“Maybe he’s just hoping to snuggle up to you.” Erika did and kissed him.
“Invite him over, babe.”
Removing her nightie and deliberately dropping it to the floor, she answered with, “Ha-ha.”
“Hey.” The covers felt warm and cozy. “We can bring Tuxedo and Mama over here, if you want. I’m sure they’d get along with the cats.”
“They’re pretty settled over at my parents’, I think. I had him in Lake Placid for a while, but he missed the big yard, so…One forever home is probably best.” Billy was quiet a while after that.
“Maybe we can rescue another one.”
“Definitely. Sometime soon.” Billy was somewhere else.
“Hey.” Erika brushed his arm. “Has Kensuke called you lately?”