“That way of thinking puts things in, like, perspective, right? And if you think about it, it’s really, really true. Even you guys have more life ahead of you than behind.”
Erika laughed. “Even us old folks, yup.”
“Almost certainly,” Tom Alan said. “At least that’s how it should be. Eighteen was right down the middle for my mom. That was an exception, I hope. I pray every night no one else I care about has their life cut so short.”
Erika touched his arm.
“Huh?” He seemed surprised, as if he’d been talking more to himself.
“You okay?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“You just…”
“Typing a note to Kensuke.” Tom Alan frowned. “Begging for forgiveness. Insisting he write back. Pleading with him to write back. I’ll edit it before I hit send.” He shrugged. Etsuko smiled. “I don’t know, Kiki. When do we walk away? Like Mrs. Wahl said, I can’t raise someone else’s kid.”
“I don’t know,” Erika admitted. She reached for the baby. “I guess that’s up to him. And maybe he already has.”