“Maybe a medication protocol if such is warranted. Heather will discuss all of that with you. I’ll make sure she knows the situation. Is there any other family you’d like us to call? Yours was the first listing in his phone, Mr. Baranowski, but, um, you called us.” Dr. Savoy knew who they were.
“His parents are in Japan,” Tom Alan told him.
“So he said. I informed him our long distance was free.” Dr. Savoy smiled for the first time. “He said not to call them. He’s nineteen, so…”
“Not yet,” Erika said. “Can we talk to him?”
“Sure. We haven’t gotten much. Maybe you’ll have better luck.”
Tom Alan stepped closer to the bed as the doctor headed away. “Kensuke…” He was moving his foot, shaking it under the thin, white blanket. He didn’t answer, but the moment Tom Alan touched the trembling lump, Kensuke dissolved into tears. His face was still turned away, but the heaving gut and sniffling sounds, the silent sobs, made it obvious. “It’s okay,” Tom Alan said.