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Chapter 60

He didn’t get far, though. The doctor’s next question stopped him still and had him pulling back to the doorway.

“Who is this guy, Vaughn? Why don’t you just chase him off? It’s not like you don’t know how.”

Vaughn’s voice dropped lower still. “I can’t do that. He’s got me. I’d say about as bad as Jackie got me back in her day. The smell of him, the taste of him, the whole fucking lot of him.”

His tone was full of emotion, though whether that emotion was reverence, disappointment, or something entirely unrelated to either of those things, Randy couldn’t decide.

“And that’s why Lyle’s got him targeted, I’d say.”

“Ayup,” Vaughn replied. “I’d say, too.”

“So, what do you figure his opinion is of you?”

Good, Randy wanted to shout. He screwed his eyes shut and pushed the back of his head against the wall to keep the words in his mind. Really fucking good.