Chapter 53

“All right. I’ll take you to my place. Where I stay, I mean; it’s not really my place, but you can shower and you can sleep. Mary usually rests during the afternoon, and Henry should be tinkering in the garage. If they’re there at all.” He reached out to steady the man again and assessed every bit of the man’s form. The eyes. The sharp cheekbones and jaw line. The way the clothes hung like there was barely anything underneath them. “It’s Lyle, by the way. Not Wolf. I think it would be wise for you not to say that.”

“Nobody questions a nickname,” the man said with a slight smile. “But okay. I’m Rafe.” He rolled the R and held the E. To Lyle it sounded like an odd pronunciation, Rahfee, and while Rafe had no discernible accent when he spoke, there was an obvious lilt of one when he said his name. It was an inflection that was deep and musical and probably some kind of European, though Lyle couldn’t place anything more specific than that.