Chapter 4

Now, here Volos stood, hands behind his back, stance casual—not only talking, not only staring directly at Matthew, but smiling. Smiling!

Few men managed to pull Matthew’s head out of his work and into places where the imagination could dwell on those things that happened when two men got naked together, and Volos was one of them. Tall, well-dressed, lithe, and with just enough lines under the eyes and between the eyebrows to let a person know that a lot of thinking went on in that head. Volos was the real-life equivalent of every one of the older-gentleman-love-interests that grumped their way through the storylines of the risqué animes that had held Matthew’s interest in his teens. And still did, on occasion, though he’d never admit that in a group of his peers.

“Are you on your way out?” Volos asked.