Chapter 19

Gavin moved surprisingly slow, though. There were light touches that mapped Matthew’s face before there were any touches for the rest of Matthew’s body. Nor did Gavin attempt to cajole or yank Matthew into one position or the next when Gavin got tired of standing beside the bed. Gavin merely lay back on the mattress and waited for Matthew to decide where he wanted to be. By then, with his body singing with sensitivity from the wandering tease of Gavin’s touches, he figured that on top and straddling Gavin’s hips would be perfect. At least on top he could push their bodies together, or move things along a little quicker, or…whatever. It wasn’t a control issue—it just seemed that things were moving way too slowly. Painfully slowly. Excruciatingly slowly. Now that he was here, with the decision made and the fire kindled, he wanted to get on with it: feel it and taste it and experience this strange man for a while.