Chapter 21

He blinked, focused his eyes, and was unable to return the smile that Gavin was giving him. His muscles felt like perfectly gooey, pleasantly watery, completely unusable jellyfishes.

“Sun’s coming up,” Gavin said. “I should probably sleep.”

Matthew forced his mouth to work. “Oh.” Then he concentrated on making the rest of him cooperate enough to move out of the way. “Sorry. I fell asleep. What time is it?”

Gavin climbed onto the bed. “Not quite six. You don’t have to get up, though. Stay if you want to, but I made coffee if you don’t. I cleaned up the mess you left in the kitchen as well, though I admit to polishing off most of your meat. As for the coffee, don’t hate me if it’s undrinkable. I haven’t made coffee in a decade or so. Never really did like the stuff and I find it completely vile now.”

“Sacrilege,” Matthew teased. “Sorry about stealing your bed. You should have just kicked me out.”

“When you looked so damned hot lying there?” Gavin stifled a yawn. “Never.”