Chapter 24

Vaughn shouted, “Hey!” and Matthew glared at Vaughn, who looked both shocked and horrified.

For a second, Vaughn seemed to consider letting go of Gavin along with the exclamation, but then Randy straightened, glowered, and said, “I’m fine.” Randy shook his head as if to reorient himself, let go of a breath, and reached into the back pocket of his jeans. When he pulled his hand around, he was holding the handle of a knife. He pressed a button and the blade popped out. “Don’t make me do this, Matthew. I have no interest in hurting you.”

Matthew’s eyes felt as big as dinner plates. Who werethese guys? What the Hades had happened to the “guys that nobody had ever had any problems with”…to the people that had files that read, “community-minded, non-aggressive, functioning as expected?” His eyes tracked to Lyle. Was whatever Lyle had dealt with flipping contagious? What had gone on in DC?