Chapter 31

“It never really worked right, you know,” Gavin said. His voice was low and deep. Tired, probably, though whether from lack of sleep or from life in general was anybody’s guess. “I’m oversensitive to light. I think I might have said it already, but most vampires aren’t like this. Not to this degree. Sure, sunlight, direct sunlight, but not the rest of it. Did you know that candlelight is the only light that doesn’t need a filter? Even those,” he pointed at the strip lights under the cupboards that offered no more than a soft glow to the areas below them. “Even those make my eyes hurt if I’m around them for too long. Did you know that? And it’s getting worse. Fire and candlelight are the only ones I can take for any length of time these days. Some days I truly do feel like a bat. Or some kind of subterranean creature lurking in a cave.”