Matthew had no doubt that Gavin was feeling his pulse beneath the touch. He could feel it himself, in his lips, his penis, his chest. His eyes were drawn to Gavin’s mouth; his mind skipped over the idea of Gavin’s teeth against his skin. He trembled, and he’d have been a liar if he said it was all in fear.
“I don’t mean like that,” Gavin said, rolling his eyes. “I swear—”
“What would it be like?” Matthew’s voice was breathless and low. “What would happen if you did?”
“I won’t,” Gavin promised.
Matthew nodded. “I know. I’m just asking. Would I…be like you?”
“If I bit you?” Gavin asked, waiting for Matthew’s nod. “No. You’d have to take some of my blood. You’d have to survive the change. Be fed. Sometimes even retrained on certain things.” He breathed a long, perturbed sigh. “Are you sure you want to discuss this right now?”