Chapter 61

“So, think…if a mouse can learn to be a lion, then a lion can learn to be a mouse. And little paws can do things big paws can’t do. Little bodies can get into places big bodies can’t. The lions and the mouse become each other and they get better because of it. They…uh…they…um…”

He looked at Hannah, searching for the right phrase. As he had known the word she’d been grasping for earlier, she seemed to know what he was looking for this time around. “Evolve?”

“Yes!” He slapped his palm on the coffee table. “They evolve! The whole family gets stronger together because of each other’s special things. Plus, think about this: can you imagine being big and strong and yet toobig and toostrong to manage the littlest of things? Can you imagine what it’d be like to have a little thing around to help with stuff like that? Have you ever read the story about the lion with a thorn stuck in its paw?”

Matthew nodded. “I have. Sounds like you’re taking it to a new level, aren’t you?”