“And let an innocent man, woman, or child die,” Gavin said, correcting his previous comment. “I’m glad it was you…well, I’m not, I mean, I would have been happier if you’d been a million miles away from there. But I’m glad I was able to have a hand in keeping you safe—”
“No. This isn’t about you saving me.” Again, Matthew shook his head, and he had to stop himself lest Gavin start thinking he needed to be tested for some kind of nervous disorder. “That’s not what I’m thanking you for.”
Gavin’s left eyebrow lifted. His smile cocked out of true into a one-sided, confused thing. “Oh?”
“Thank you for having faith in me—in us—in what you hoped we might become, anyway.” Matthew smiled. “You’re not so faithless after all, Mr. Knowledge-Is-the-Only-Thing-You-Can-Trust.”
Gavin turned his hand inside Matthew’s and tightened his fingers so that he was returning the grip. “And you’re not so blind in your faith, Doctor.”