Chapter 69

“Fast,” he mumbled.

“Yes,” Gavin agreed. He kissed Matthew’s fingers, and then, when Matthew dropped that hand, he kissed the disappearing marks on Matthew’s neck. “Do you need to sleep?”

Matthew opened his eyes. He forced his rubbery lips to smile. “I have no idea what I need.”

A sharp knock sounded on the door leading up to the main level. They both looked at each other, and while Matthew thought, Excellent timing, Gavin laughed.

“Burgers are ready if you guys are hungry,” Randy called through the door.

“Not in the least,” Gavin whispered. He kissed Matthew’s lips with a quick, light touch. “But I think red meat sounds just about right for you, hmm?”

Matthew gave him a sideways look. “Are you just trying to get my iron levels up, vampire?”

“Nope,” Gavin said. He gave Matthew’s ass a squeeze. “Your energy levels.”