He was particularly fond of Seal’s “Amazing:”
Say you don’t know how to do it now
So you run.
It’s not that you’re bleeding but you’re through with it now
So you run, so you run.
It became an anthem at Templars Stadium, played after every touchdown Quinn or Lleyton scored. And Lleyton could sometimes be seen leading a chorus in the end zone himself, jumping, an arm overhead, as he twirled around on the words, “Run, so you run.”
Quinn, who kept his post-touchdown ritual limited to a quick sign of the cross, punctuated by fingers to lips and thanks to God and Aunt Lena—no point in ridiculing and, thus, riling the opposition—made sure that Lleyton didn’t overdo it.
“You know what they say,” Quinn reminded him. “You get into the end zone, act like you’ve been there before—with class.”