“It’s good to see you on the mend,” she said, patting his arm as they lunched at Saigon’s. “Are you looking forward to returning?”
“Is that the reporter asking or the friend?”
She smiled. “The friend.”
“We’ll see when training camp starts this summer.”
“What did you mean when you said, I can’t do this anymore?”
“I honestly don’t know.” But he did. He just felt he couldn’t tell her—at least not yet.
“Mmm. Might this imply a career change? Well, you wouldn’t be the first. Indeed, I have some news on that front.”
“Do tell.” Quinn was eager to deflect the conversation from himself.
“Well, no doubt you heard about Vienne.” Vienne? Had he been buried alive so deep that he was oblivious to some earth-shattering revelation—or at least some juicy morsel—among their circle? Quinn shook his head as he leaned in and took another dollop from their shared caramel fudge sundae.