
Chapter 13

“I thought we could go out and do something!” Christina’s smile was audible in her voice

Dustin rolled his eyes. “Christina, I’m gay.”

Christina tsk’d. “Yeah, I kinda figured that out already, you knob. I’m not a complete moron. But I’m sure you still like to dance. Have a drink or two. I just…I need to get out. Away from these people and into real civilization, if only for a few hours. Are you in?” Christina paused, but only for a second. “Please say yes.”

“Like…” Dustin frowned. “You want to go to a club?”

“Dustin, I thought you’d never ask!” Christina laughed. “Should I pick you up or meet you somewhere?”

He cringed at the thought of getting picked up. Unlike the wedding, this seemed a little too set up. Too date-like. “Um, why don’t you meet me?”