
Chapter 21

“Lord, be!” said a thickly accented voice from behind him. “Boy, you just get prettier every time I see you!”

Dustin turned with a grin. “Hey, Paige, how are you?” He loved Paige. She was big, she was jovial, and she was as tough as iron spikes. “Ach!” Paige waved the air as though thousands of flying gnats had descended on her. “Your mother! She’s driving me crazy today!”

“Well, you’re in the right place for it,” Dustin teased and held up the bag. “I assume for these?”

Paige rolled her eyes and snatched the bag. “I don’t have to tell you how she gets when she doesn’t have her happy pills.”

Dustin chuckled. “Nope, you sure don’t.”

Paper crinkled as it was shoved into the lacy front of the apron Paige wore. She looked up with a satisfied smile. “So? How are you, baby? Life must be treating you well. You look good.”

“Oh? You think?”

She nodded, assessing him. “I do. You seem slightly less vampire-boy today. Happier maybe even. Something happen?”