
Chapter 38

“No shame, hmm? So says the blind man,” Lillian teased.

Dustin winced at the familiarity of the words. When Lillian reached out for Nicolae’s face, Dustin surged forward.

“Peace, Dustin,” Nicolae warned. “Now, I go. But this,” he cupped Lillian’s hands once again, “this stays. So that one day, this…” Nicolae touched a fingertip to one corner, then the next, of Lillian’s smile. “One day this too will stay.”

Paige stepped up to take Nicolae’s place, waving off the attendants that looked like they weren’t sure whether they should stay or leave. “We’ve got it,” Paige told them. “She’ll be fine.”

When Nicolae put his hand out, Dustin secured it and pulled him close. “We can leave?” Dustin asked.

“Da,” Nicolae agreed. “We have much to do still.”

“Great,” Dustin rolled his eyes. “Maybe at the next stop I’ll get shot.”

Nicolae chuckled. “I doubt it.”