Chapter 4

It had also been my idea to take him into the supermarket, thinking he’d be able to use one of their electric wheelchair buggies I’d seen old or fat people use. However, their one and only electric wheelchair was out of action. Not wanting Cory to have to sit back in the car or wait for me in the store’s restaurant, I’d announced I’d push him in the regular wheelchair. It didn’t take me long to discover I wasn’t as fit as I thought I was because my muscles had started to complain within a couple of aisles.

“I can push,” Cory said, obviously detecting my discomfort. “That’s what these wheel rims are for.”

“No, it’s okay, the exercise will do me good,” I insisted. “Which bacon do you like?”

“The leanest. And unsmoked.”

That was on a higher shelf in the fridge and Cory would have struggled to reach it. I hadn’t realised until that point how much of a challenge shopping must be for a disabled customer.