Chapter 17

A couple of burly men with AK-47s met the aircraft. “Patron,” one said, “what are we to do with the Yankee dogs?”

“I’m no yanqui.” Manuel’s voice was not much more than a growl. “I’m Tohono O’odham.”

“And I’m Scots,” Alex added.

“Callete, you piece of filth.” One of the guards stuck out a foot as Alex stepped out of the craft. He managed not to fall, but it was a close thing.

The man addressed as Patronclimbed down behind them. He gave a careless shrug. “Put them in the chicken house,” he said, speaking in Spanish. “That’s a fitting place for their kind.”

A few forceful nudges with the rifle barrels pointed Alex and Manuel in the correct direction. The chicken house turned out to be a rough adobe hut with mesh wire over the windows and doors.

Fuck! Either they have an idea we can shift into birds or they are really trying to be insulting. Maybe both.