::Hey, we’re getting close to home.::
Alex’s answer came through clear, much more so than when they’d been in the rodent forms.::Time to land and start walking, right?::
::I’d say we should. It’s about two, three miles to town and the station. I’m not sure we ought to fly all the way in, but if you want to, I guess we can.::
::No, I think you’re right. We’ll set down soon and change back to our normal selves. Walking we should get to town just before the day shift hits the road.::
They spiraled down, getting a little closer to town before they finally lit. Shifting back took effort and again Manuel recognized how close to exhausted he was. They’d flown most of the night. He wasn’t sure how many miles, but as the crow flies—or in this case the hawk and the raven—it had been quite a few.