So picture it; it’s the sixteenth century and the country fair in is town; all the townspeople and the countryfolk are gathered to hear the pleasant crooning of the visiting minstrel, he who is dressed as she, and she/I—I’m getting myself mixed up now—is bellowing—I can project my voice very well when I want, so can Henry Eight. For your reference, the song is a bit like the ancient “Barnacle Bill the Sailor” from around that time, only not as clean:
“What’s that around your staff? asked the fair young maiden / T’is only me grass to tickle yer ass, said Carbuncle Carl the sailor.”
Everyone is clapping their hands over their heads and singing along with me
“Meow!” joins in Henry Eight.
“But what if we should go to jail? asked the fair young maiden / Well…With a whip of my cock I’ll break the lock, said Carbuncle Carl the sailor / And with a whack of my balls I’ll break down the walls…”