“But then I thought?” Craig continued, as though one could end with his previous statement and start with that one, and it would somehow make sense. “That it would be a good thing. We would get to know each other. Nice and slow. Sane and without the bullshit. You would like that. You would see I could be a good thing for you.”
Owen shoved Craig on the couch and crouched in front of it. He stared at Craig’s eyes as if there might be some explanation hidden there. Instead, he saw the bloodshot, watery, unfocussed gaze that he knew way too well from his own mirror. “Who was your sponsor, Craig? We need to call someone I think.”
Craig sat forward and grabbed Owen’s wrist. “Why couldn’t you see that I was a good thing for you? Why couldn’t you just hurry up, and do the fucking program, and get better? Don’t you realise how much more I could have given you? In the end? After? If you would have just got past all this so it could happen?”