Chapter 6

One day after we had finished our lunch, he turned to look at me. Usually we sat facing forward with our meals between us on the bench. His eyes had a curious light in them, and I could tell he wanted to ask me something but wasn’t sure how to go about it.

Finally, he asked, “Terry, how much do you weigh? Any idea?”

“No idea, actually. I mean, I know I’m not as big as I was in high school, sure, but that’s about it. I was never that big, anyway.”

“Dude, you’re almost skin and bone.” Well, I didn’t think I was thatbad. But I could have been, I supposed. I didn’t pay much attention to what I wore since I didn’t have many choices. It’s not like anyone cared what I looked like. My work pants were very loose and I used the last notch on my belt to hold them up. I wore the smallest size employee shirt the company had, which was still roomy on my slender frame. Maybe I looked like a coat hanger, or something.