
Chapter 6

“So do you care to tell me what that was all about?” Slow footsteps marked his father’s approach. “Since you have been avoiding me?”

Emmett didn’t make eye contact. “Of what do you speak, Father?”

His father had washed and shaved as well, Emmett noted as he drew up beside and stopped, sharing Emmett’s view of the street. Weatherworn and tired, as per usual, but still a decent looking man considering the lifestyle and the stress that his father usually carried on his shoulders; a burden Emmett knew had most likely grown considerably heavier since Emmett’s unfortunate run-in with a member of the monarchy.

“You know damn well of what I speak, son.” His father sighed. “A physical confrontation? On an unknown street? With unknown men? And for what? A cabin boy’s honour? Are you mad? Have you given in to some demon of which I have yet to know? Explain yourself.”

“Aleyn had done no wrong—”