“Andrewe was—is—quite fond of you.”
“And I of he, your Majesty,” Emmett whispered, the words too heavy to force volume on.
Richard dropped his arm on to the table with a thud so sudden and loud that Emmett flinched. “Which begs the question of why, sir. Why you let it get so far? Why you didn’t come to me with the plot in the first place? How could this have worked out with any kind of better end?”
Emmett’s eyes burned. “It could not have, your Majesty.” He lifted his chin and caught the king’s eyes for a brief moment. See me, Emmett’s expression said. Know the truth of what I’m saying. “I acted with my heart when I should have been thinking with my head. There is no way to take back what I’ve done; of this I am aware. Yet believe me, your Majesty, when I tell you I did it for love. I thought I knew what was best. I thought somehow I could have everything, and manage to get by without payment or consequence. I was wrong.”