“Mom’s convinced you need stitches.” He regarded the bandage curiously. “But it looks like you’re going to live.”
Andre nodded.
“Do you even have insurance?”
A shake of his head.
Thomas sighed. “Yeah, I figured not. Well, if something comes up and we do have to take you in, I’ll cover it, okay? Consider it hazard pay for watching Mom.”
At that, he took Andre’s place at the sink, as if everything was now settled. Why wasn’t he upset? He had every right to be after the day he’d had. He’d found a stranger in the home he’d grown up in, usurping the role that should have been his. That same stranger acted like a kicked puppy at the slightest provocation, breaking dishes, freaking out over a simple helpful touch
So why was he washing dishes like nothing was wrong?
Pulling out his pad, Andre scrawled a quick message and shoved it in front of Thomas’s face.