Signing Made Easy.
“I got it yesterday from the library,” Thomas said when he realized Andre had noticed. “You sign, right? That’s what Pastor told me. I thought it might make it easier for you if you didn’t have to carry that notepad around everywhere.”
The revelation stunned him into immobility. Thomas wanted to learn sign language? Why would he go to such lengths? Because theywere lengths, he’d gone out on his own and found the material for it without even asking, something nobody else had ever done.
When Andre didn’t respond, Thomas cleared his throat and sat up. Color had crept into his cheeks, staining them to pink Andre knew would be warm to the touch. “I’m not making any promises I’ll be any good at it, though.” He tried to smile, and the attempt came off as both embarrassed and endearing. Andre took an unconscious step forward so he could see it better. “But at least I don’t have to worry about having a shitty accent.”