Chapter 26

The man flinched. No fur remained. Long legs curled against his chest, with his arms wrapped around them protectively. Every inch of his skin gleamed with sweat, and when he lifted his head to turn glazed eyes to Thomas, it confirmed Thomas’s suspicions about its presence on his face

But he didn’t have time to pat himself on the back for guessing correctly. Not when he was staring into Andre’s eyes.

The silvery-bloodlessness of the dog’s eyes, the lack of color that he’d attributed to the glow from the porch light and the darkness around them, were Andre’s, only paler. The fur had been a near match for his now-tangled hair, and the sinewy, almost skinny, musculature of its physique the canine equivalent of the man who’d been living in his mother’s house for the past two months. The man he’d been worried sick about. The man he’d missed the second he’d walked out the door.