Chapter 32

That courtesy had proliferated his thoughts as he stood beneath the tepid shower. In spite of what he’d learned about Andre last night, it didn’t change the kind of man Thomas already knew him to be. Respectful, generous, loving. That, more than anything else, demanded his spirits remain high while he fixed breakfast.

“Food’s on!”

He gathered condiments out of the refrigerator as Andre followed Mom in from the living room. She paused in the doorway, forcing Andre to stop, and gazed around with a frown.

“This isn’t right,” she said.

Thomas paused with the ketchup and horseradish in his hands. “What’s not right, Mom?”

“This.” She swept a hand around the room. “We have to clean it up. George is going to have a fit if he sees this mess.”

Nudging the fridge door shut with his hip, he tamped down his initial instinct to argue with her and headed for the table. “We’ll clean up after we eat.”

“No, no, we have to do it now.”