Chapter 9

“I think I can do that, as long as you promise to understand I do know what I’m doing. My pack hasn’t survived this long because I’m an idiot.”

“I would never call you an idiot, sunshine. Bullheaded, yes. Arrogant, sure. But an idiot?” Darren grinned. “Never. And I do trust you.”

“Good.” He picked up the check and scribbled his signature across the bottom of the receipt. “Do you have another ex-colleague to meet up with, or do you have time to pick up where we left off in the bathroom?”

“Even if I did have another meeting, I’d blow it off. You know you drive me crazy when you talk to me like that, all romance and flowers.”

“Romance and flowers are for when we don’t have an audience. Like back at the loft.”

Darren tossed his napkin on the table and stood. “Then what are we waiting for? Let’s get out of here.”