“Have you had any direct contact with any of the leaders on this list?” he asked, reverting back to the original topic.
“Direct contact? Yeah, I met Ben Lodz once. He tracked me down once with a tip about a rogue wolf. I actually liked him. I had a gun on him the whole time, but he gave me the information he needed to give me. And I was introduced to Justin Baker and Leo Lane at different parties, but they didn’t know who I was or why I was there.”
That would work to his advantage. Argenti agents weren’t widely known by face, just by reputation. The only reason Aden had known August Hogue was one was because he’d called in most of his markers to get as current a list of agents as possible. In his book, Jasmine was the enemy. Darren might trust her not to come after him, but Aden sure as hell didn’t. The only way he could guarantee Darren’s safety was to know who might be the one sent after him.