Chapter 39

Now as the two of them tore at each other, Darren itched to intercede. Even if he couldn’t get a clear shot at Oliver while the two rolled and snarled, he could still jump down from the tree and throw himself in the fight.

Blood speckled the closely cut grass. It gleamed wetly in the moonlight, the smell of it drifting even as high as Darren’s perch. Most of it was Aden’s. He didn’t know how or why Oliver kept managing to get his teeth into Aden, but there was no mistaking the fact he always seemed to find a hold a split second before Aden could block him. This wasn’t the same predator Darren had seen on Halloween. Then, Aden hadn’t hesitated to tear out Ray Giessen’s throat. Even when Ray had burned him with silver, Aden had continued fighting.