Chapter 50

Darren leaned back, pushing his hips forward with a low moan. “It sounds like you’re a wolf. And no matter what number you tell me, I’m always going to know that.”

Aden didn’t actually have any intention of sharing the number, even if he knew it as well as he knew his own age. He wasn’t ashamed of what he’d done in his life, and the vast majority of his kills had been other wolves in pack fights, but these were things Darren was already aware and accepting of. He would never have agreed to Aden’s protection, otherwise.

Sliding a hand down the loose back of Darren’s jeans, Aden cupped his ass, caressing along the covered crease as he further wet the front of his underwear. “I love your scars,” he said against Darren’s cock. “And at some point, I’m going to tie you down and make you tell me the story behind each and every one.”