Chapter 57

Instead of following his first instinct, he put a light hand on Aden’s shoulder, a silent reminder that he was there, and willing to do whatever Aden needed.

“Who’s tracking Oliver?”

Enzo looked away from where Darren touched Aden to meet his leader’s hard gaze. “Nick. He was the only one of us not to get bloodied.”

“I can go join him,” Darren offered. “Oliver probably left a hell of a trail to follow.”

“No,” Aden said. “Two trackers give double the opportunity to realize they’re being followed. Besides, he probably got too much of a head start.”

“Ten minutes,” Enzo confirmed.

Darren disagreed that ten minutes was a major problem. He also disagreed that Oliver would figure out Darren was tracking him. Aden hadn’t even noticed Darren following him to the Arboretum, but Darren bit his tongue.

“I can go check on Leo. Make sure he doesn’t have any major injuries that should be seen to right away.”