Chapter 69

“There’s no law against biting willing humans.” He grabbed the leg of a chair and whipped it around toward Darren.

Darren stepped back, the chair swinging by him harmlessly. “You’re telling me that if I started sniffing around this place, I wouldn’t find one person, wolf or otherwise, held against their will? Kidnapping is a crime.”

“Yes, it is,” August agreed, the toe of her boot connecting with Oliver’s hip. He screamed and tried to roll away, but he only succeeded in moving closer to Darren.

Darren curled both fists into Oliver’s shirt and picked him up, spinning around to slam him against the wall, knocking frames from their hooks. Glass shattered at their feet. “Well?”

“You’re after the wrong wolf,” Oliver growled. He lashed out, but Darren twisted easily to avoid his kick, without losing his grip on his shirt. “Aden Richter’s the dangerous one. Whatever he told you is a lie. I’ve got dozens of supporters who’ll testify to that.”