* * * *
“Geee-zus,” Oliver whistled. “This is yours?”
Boyd didn’t even try to hold back the self-satisfied smirk. “She sure is. Brand new for me as of yesterday.”
His grin quickly faded into a disappointment however, when Oliver looked up and said, “What is it? Pretty old, right?”
Boyd clucked his tongue. “No. It’s not old.” He patted the car as if soothing it. “She’s a ‘70. And what did I tell you about hurting her feelings?”
Oliver assessed Boyd’s expression carefully. “I thought you were kidding?”
“I’m not,” Boyd frowned. He rested both forearms on the roof of the vehicle and stared across it at Oliver. “I’ll wait while you apologize.”
“You want me to…” Oliver cocked his head and lifted an eyebrow, “apologize to your car?”
Boyd folded his fingers together and rested his chin on them. “Yes. And you should be quick about it. I want to get a good hour behind us before I find a place to pull over and sleep.”