“Fuck,” Boyd groaned, his eyes traveling from windshield to the back of Oliver’s head, head to windshield, back, again. A drop of spit began a slow run from the base of his shaft, alongside his tightening balls, and Boyd felt every bit of its leisurely journey as though it had a tongue of its own. Something twisted in Boyd’s guts, something that said it had either been way too long since someone had done this, or that Oliver was blessedly good at what he was he doing.
“Okay,” Boyd huffed. “Now you do have to stop.” There was a rasp of panic in his voice and his rationality told him panic was not the appropriate emotion for the moment. Yet that was exactly what hit him. Panic, disturbance, and underneath it all a growing need that was creeping on him so insistently and so overwhelmingly it was like watching a tsunami approach shore in slow motion.