“Who is this?”
“Nobody you need to know,” Boyd replied. “Who are you?”
The man didn’t give him the answer Boyd was looking for. “I need to speak to Ollie. How ‘bout you put him on the phone?”
Boyd’s lip curled. “How ‘bout you ask me instead of tell me.”
There was no hiding the flare of annoyance in the other man’s tone when he sent back a bristling, “And how ‘bout you watch your damn mouth if you don’t know who you’re talking to, bitch. Tell Ollie that Frank needs to speak to him right now.”
Boyd’s brow creased, and he could feel his entire face tighten up along with it. “I don’t think he wants to talk to you, Frank. And I can think of a whole pile of reasons why that might be. Which means, I don’t really want you talking to him either. So, Frank?” Boyd smiled, hoping the change in tone would match his expression sufficiently. “How’s about you just stop calling, hmm?”