“Answer…answer…“ Boyd’s eyes roamed the screen.
“The big fucking green button that says answer,” Oliver replied in deadpan.
Boyd grinned, but kept his laugh quiet. Sometimes it was just fun to fuck with Oliver. He managed to get the arrow to hover over the button and suddenly Boyd’s screen with filled with a swirl, then a pixilated image, and finally Oliver.
“Oh,” Boyd breathed. Four weeks had been an impossibly long time to not see Oliver’s face. “You cut your hair.”
Oliver’s image nodded, while Oliver’s smile grew. “And you shaved.”
“I do that sometimes,” Boyd said. He reached up to the screen, fingertips ghosting over the outline of Oliver’s face. And even through the camera’s eye, Boyd could see Oliver’s eyes darkening and Oliver’s face softening.
“Hello, you,” Boyd whispered.9
Six Months Later (October)