Peter nodded and then shivered. So Daniel climbed onto the table to pull Peter into his lap and felt Peter melt against him. Daniel gathered him close, and Peter nuzzled against Daniel’s throat. This was part of Peter’s coming down, and Daniel didn’t begrudge him the contact or the time.
When Peter’s fingertips started tracing the koi tattooed along Daniel’s left side, Daniel kissed blond hair, squeezed, and gently started to free himself. Peter sighed, but he let go so Daniel could dress him. He stood up slowly while Daniel hovered to make sure he wouldn’t fall.
“I’m…I’m good, Daniel. Here’s your check.” Peter pulled a folded piece of paper from his wallet and finished the last of his water.
“Thanks, Peter.” Daniel took it and didn’t even look at it before tucking it away. “I appreciate the business.”
“I appreciate your skills,” Peter said with a sigh and a groan as he shrugged on his jacket. “Same time next month?”