Behind Clark in line, a kid tossed Daniel a cream soda, which Daniel caught in one hand. “Usual, Prof?”
“Yes, please.”
Clark held his tray, watched Daniel pay for the food, and nodded to himself in satisfaction. As he made his way toward the booth, a girl with her ear attached to a cell phone and her brain on mute nearly ran into Clark. Reacting quickly, Clark gracefully raised his tray of food above her head, spun to one side, and continued toward the table. Muttering about damned technology killing brain cells, Clark settled so he faced the main entrance. He never sat with his back to the primary door of a building.
“Here good?” Clark said, as Daniel approached.
Daniel eyed Clark and said, “Well, if you’re as good at watching my back as you are at dodging coeds, sure.” He settled into his chair and opened his cream soda before taking a sip.