“It’s a safe assumption,” Clark replied, smiling at Daniel and trying not to think about the texture of his hair, how it would feel if…
Clark sighed. Apparently being near Daniel was the emotional equivalent of taking a nice stroll through a peaceful meadow full of IEDs.
Daniel tilted his head. “It was good to see you again. I’m rather impressed and flattered at the lengths you went to in finding me.” He pointed at the uneaten slices of pizza. “Are you going to take those? I know my RAs would inhale them in an instant; they make the phrase ‘starving student’ look good.”
“Nah,” Clark said. “Not as hungry as I thought, I suppose.” He slid the plate toward Daniel. “Better they enjoy than it go to waste.”
“Are…are you all right, Clark? You seem…” Daniel frowned. “Off, I guess. Was it something I did or said?”
Oh, way to make the guy blame himself for the fact that you can’t identify a stupid crush for what it is or hold it together during a job. Smooth, Clark. Real smooth.