Chapter 26

Adam was also a slender man with dark hair, but his eyes were startling blue. His skin was pale, not a line in sight, and Clark liked that Adam was the sort always comfortable in his surroundings.

Even when he wore little more than a scrap of fabric and a pair of chain-linked leather cuffs.

“Clark!” Tristan bellowed in a deep voice. “Was wondering when you’d get your ass over here and say, ‘Hi!’“

Clark stepped forward and embraced Tristan. “Showing a new guy around; we got a little lost over on Rhys row.”

Tristan rolled his eyes and turned to size up Daniel. He grinned, showing teeth stained from too much wine and coffee, and held out his hand. “Tristan.”

“Daniel.” Daniel grinned and took the proffered hand. “How do you like it here?”

“Oh, he likes it dark and moaning, but it’s early yet,” Clark joked.

Tristan laughed, and Adam shook his head, hair falling across his forehead in a very fetching way.