Clark gave up trying to breathe through his nose and panted out his mouth. The sound of rushing air gave him something to focus on, and his legs shook from panic, adrenaline, and sheer proximity to Daniel. The want and heat swirled with everything else in Clark’s head, and it was just…
Too much. This is too fucking much.
Clark bent until the bridge of his nose rested on the back of his own hand on Daniel’s shoulder. The movement was jerky and halting, but he did it. “Just starting to…huh…” he managed to say. His voice was small and weak, for all it attempted humor.
Daniel chuckled and stroked Clark’s back. “No, I liked you the moment I first saw you: the strength of your hand, your wit, your confidence, and your smile. I just…I knew too much, like you said. Your reputation preceded you, and I just couldn’t see.”