“I was the main witness at the trial. Still bald from all the stitches, my ribs wrapped, and all yellow and green from the bruises. I looked a mess.” Daniel huffed a laugh. “The defense didn’t have a chance. I’d seen what that DA used to do to Mom and Dad on the stand, so I was ready and nearly disappointed when he didn’t question me after my story. When the verdict came down as guilty, I broke. Snapped. Or, as my family says, became a real little boy again. I…” Daniel shivered and hugged Clark harder. “I finished what I promised to do.”
Goosebumps breaking out over his skin, Clark touched Daniel’s face. Three words rested on the back of Clark’s tongue, but he kept them choked and away from his lips. Clark settled for kissing Daniel’s jaw and gently turning his head to kiss the side of Daniel’s mouth.