Chapter 67

“Oh, lord, Clark…you keep doing that,” Daniel said, breathlessly reassuring. Clark shuddered. “That’s it…just…like…that…” And with each word Daniel gave a long stroke into Clark, pulling nearly all the way out and then sliding all the way back in until Clark could feel Daniel’s balls brushing his thighs. Whining, high and sudden, Clark jerked in his bonds. He whimper-moaned and stopped struggling, his eyes flying open as the slow burn of pleasure teased down his spine and settled in his gut. In the mirror, he saw Daniel moving on top of him, and Clark watched with glazed eyes.

“Oooh…” Clark exhaled, the noise quiet and shocked.

“I love seeing you like this,” Daniel murmured. “Letting go…and those sounds turn me on so much.” Eyes on Clark’s in the mirror, Daniel changed the angle of his thrusts.